Is online learning the right choice for YOU? While online learning is convenient, it also requires a high level of dedication and commitment.

Risio Institute hosts interactive, online e-learning modules to assist students in the learning process, with the addition of learning content built for various learning styles!

Our FREE online Dental Basics course gives potential students an opportunity to try out the e-learning format in the comfort of their home. Students can work through the module at their own pace, while determining if they can manage their schedules to fit in a higher education online program.

But that’s not all! Dental professionals have been enrolling in this free online course to gain knowledge in areas that they may not already be educated in! Newcomers to the industry can gain valuable knowledge in various aspects ofdentistry, from charting to tooth surfaces, and beyond!

Head to our website to check out this unique dental basics course, designed for YOU! If you like our free online course, then check out our dental assistant training program.