We are attending our first Ontario ASM as exhibitors this month and we are SO excited to ‘talk Risio’ with our friends, colleagues and newcomers! This is our first year at the Ontario ASM and we are thrilled to spread the news about Risio’s new Ontario location! Our...
Pacific Dental Conference is just around the corner and we are excited to see ourindustry friends and colleagues again in Vancouver! This year, you can find us atbooth #1151 and we are ready to see everyone! We have a fun game to play atour booth and you may even win...
This year, Dental Assistant’s Week spans from March 3rd to March 9th! We areSO excited to celebrate this very important week with our dental assistingstudents and our Risio dental assisting team! Dental Assistants not onlycomplete very intensive training in...
From all of us at Risio Institute, HAPPY NEW YEAR! We are all excited for the year ahead and we know that 2024 will be filled with prosperity and growth. As we reflect on the previous year, we see milestones and goals being reached, while planning for our future. 2023...
Risio Institute is offering a Dental introduction program to give employees a head-start in the dental industry. Students can enroll in the Dental Aide Program to gain knowledge in dental and clinical basics, infection prevention & control and sterilization. Who...
Each year, the Calgary Dental Assistant’s Association (CDAA) presents one dental assisting student from the Calgary area with the Florence E. Downey award. This year, our Risio student, Kay-Cee L., was presented with this prestigious award! All of us at Risio...