I’ve often been asked about what drives my passion for learning and working toward achieving my goals. The answer is simple; passion. Any great adventure begins with one small word, or one small feeling, and passion is that piece.
My life has evolved from the Edmonton arts to the crisp outdoors of Banff where I found myself and the true meaning of passion. Little did I know when I was younger and chasing my dreams as an artist down White Avenue and the hallways of Grant MacEwan University in Edmonton, it would be my mountain bike that would forever change my view of reality. Banff was the beginning of an incredible journey. In Banff, I found my way to the dental industry and eventually, Casey Sharp, co-founder and Chief Operating Officer of the Daher Institute. Banff Dental Care was the beginning of our lifelong friendship and now, an educational partnership.
Over the years, my career and my social activities became an intertwined landscape, allowing me to grow and mesh into the world I see now. Mountain biking taught me that the world is our oyster and shredding a small part of this earth somehow puts it all into a crystal-clear perspective. The perfect balance between my personal growth and my career growth began once I realized that the two could co-exist in perfect harmony.
With an arts diploma and management experience behind me, I delved into the world of dental assisting and took my certification via distance learning through NAIT, while working full time and raising my small son as a single parent. Over time, my life took me to the city where I landed a career at a fellow Calgary College and soon took on the role as Chair of the Dental Health Department. While this new role was challenging me professionally, I knew it was time to start growing educationally again. The start of a long two and half years began in 2015 while I completed my MBA (Master’s of Business Administration). And yes, while working full time and raising my family, which now included two sons! Proudly, I completed my Thesis in April of 2018 with distinction and was awarded my MBA in December of 2018. While my personal activities held second place to University over that 2.5 years, I never lost sight of my drive and passion for the end-goal. Fast-forward one full year, and here we are! We bring to you the Daher Institute for Education! Coming full circle, passion rings true and loud as I combine my love for education, learning, teaching, guiding and leadership. None of this would be possible without the combination of passion and drive.
What happens next? My advice to you is to find the passion behind your motivation and your drive. Reflect, and respond. You will never go wrong! And if that passion moves you toward a lifelong career in the dental industry, as it did with me, take comfort in knowing that like-minded individuals such as Casey and I, will guide you through to success!
Enjoy 🙂
Carey Thurlow
Co-Founder, CEO, Educator, Mountain Biking Enthusiast