What keeps us moving forward? How do we ‘look at the bright side’ when we consistently hear of the negative impact that the current pandemic is having on our communities and economy? In a world with so much unknown at the moment, we need to be able to see the glass as half full and trust that things will turn around. A world we knew 2 months ago will likely never be that way again, but a new normal may not be such a bad thing!
My personal life is busy and I am always on the go, as a Regional Manager for 2 orthodontic offices with Dental Corp., running a business and post-secondary school with my colleague and good friend, Casey Sharp, and the most important job of all; being a mom, step-mom and wife. I’ve always thrived on being busy and I love to ponder the future and what the world has in store for us. Until the current pandemic hit, which was not quite what I had in mind!
Nonetheless, my ‘busy’ turned into a different ‘busy’ and it took me a moment to realize that this could be my new normal, moving forward. Not such a bad thing! My work has transitioned to primarily home-based and although I find myself doing more daily tasks, I have better balance and the race to start and finish the day is gone. My commute was an hour each way to work and back, five days per week. My evenings were reserved for the Institute, student inquiries/registrations and of course, football practices with my youngest son. Leaving little time for me, it became a race I knew I couldn’t keep up for long.
Sometimes it takes these drastic moments in our world to force us into realizing what is best for us, best for our family and perhaps what is best for the planet! Sometimes, our dreams can really soar if we just take a moment to breathe and focus. That, my friends, is perseverance. xoxo Carey