Learn The Dental Basics
Free Online Course
Who is the
Free Course For?

Dental Administrators
People who currently work in dental administration that want to learn more about the clinical side of the industry.

Potential Risio Students
Are you thinking about taking Risio Institute’s Dental Assisting Diploma Program and want to try out the online format? The free course is a great first step.

Future Dental Office Workers
Do you want to work in a dental office but need some basic information? The free course is perfect for getting your foot in the door.

Expand Your Opportunities for FREE!
Free Course
The regular value of this material is over $360—but we make it available for free so that anyone interested in a dental assisting career has the resources they need to get started.
6 Modules

Get Started with the Free Course
Frequently Asked
Would I receive a certificate?
No, this course is not set up to track completion or to test understanding. It is just for information.
What does the program cost?
The regular value of this material is over $360—but we make it available for free so that anyone interested in a dental assisting career has the resources they need to get started.
How can I get more information?
Contact us or send us an email. We would love to connect with you!
How do I know dental industry professionals lead this program?
Carey-Ann Thurlow is a Registered Dental Assistant with 20+ years in the dental industry. Carey completed her MBA in 2019 through the University of Roehampton and began her PhD in June 2021. She is passionate about both the dental industry and business administration.
Carey-Ann previously chaired a successful dental assisting program in Calgary, while also facilitating in the program. Seeing her students achieve success is just one of Carey’s many missions!
Casey Sharp is a Registered Dental Assistant with 19+ years in the dental industry. Casey completed an eLearning certificate program through the University of Calgary to gain expertise in designing and creating online learning programs.
Casey worked alongside Carey-Ann at a successful dental assisting program in Calgary and facilitated students in both clinical and theoretical environments. Casey’s passion is witnessing the outcomes of the students in the program!
Instructors in the program are required to have a minimum of 5 years experience in the dental industry and must be Registered Dental Assistants. All theory instructors must also have completed the Adult Educator Certificate.
What are the benefits of online learning?
Online learning has numerous benefits. 7 of the most valuable are as follows:
- Access to coursework from anywhere at any time
- A balance of structure and freedom
- Easier time management
- The opportunity to train while working
- The ability to collaborate with students from different regions and backgrounds
- Instant feedback on tests
- The ability to build vital digital skills