Location: Red Deer
Job Type: Full Time
Company: Parkland Mall Dental Centre
Hiring Manager: Julie Brothers or Lana Russel
We are looking for a motivated, energetic dental assistant. We are hoping for full time, but also have part time available. We would have shifts that include 1-2 evenings a week and every other Saturday. Please call 403-342-1118 or email at parklanddental@shaw.ca for more information
To apply email parklanddental@shaw.ca
Parkland Mall Dental Centre
Company Description: We are a private dentist owned general practice in Red Deer, Alberta. We have 4 dentists, and are quite busy as we are open Monday to Saturday with 3 evening open to 7pm. We are looking for enthusiastic dental assistants that want to gain experience and work or train in our office for a full filling career in the dental industry.
Company Website: https://parklandmalldentalcentre.ca