Location: The Pas, Manitoba
Job Type: Full Time
Company: the pas dental clinic
Hiring Manager: Dr Srivastava
$35 per hour starting wage, $5000 completion bonus or 1 week trip to a 5 star all inclusive Resort in Cancun!
1 year position, full time hours located in The Pas, Manitoba. Accomodations available and a car also!
Mentorship and experience available in all aspects of dentistry including 3d cone beam xrays, endodontics, hospital dentistry, implants, digital dentistry!
Please reply to email dentris2012@yahoo.ca OR cell: 204 978 1158.
To apply email dentris2012@yahoo.ca
the pas dental clinic
Company Description: A general dentist clinic with 7 chairs, 1-2 dentists, 1 hyg having served the local community in its present form for over 25 years
Company Website: https://www.thepasdental.ca